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Dues, Bylaws & Declarations


Email reminders for dues will begin in February. Payment is due by April 1st and can be paid w/ credit card or by check. Details will be provided in the invoice. 2023 dues are $150/yr per household, and 2024 dues will be raised to $180/yr to cover increasing costs. If paid after the April 1st deadline, an additional $15 will be added, however, the board does offer a grace period to ensure everyone has ample opportunity to avoid late payment.

Thank you, all, for your on-time payment. These payments cover landscaping providers, insurance, utilities, and other expenses for the association. For additional questions, please reach out to our treasurer


The Declaration of Restrictions is recorded with King County and is a part of the deed of every property within Lower and Upper (also known as Division Number 2) Norwood Village. This document was the means used by the founders of the village to determine what the village would be like--i.e., a pleasant residential neighborhood. To accomplish this, the Declaration outlines what can and cannot be done with property in the village and establishes the authority of the village corporation to administer its provisions.

By purchasing property in the village, everyone who owns property in Norwood agrees to follow these provisions. Though it has never been necessary to do so (and we sincerely hope this will always be the case), the provisions of the Declaration are legally enforceable. (Last revised 01/1990)


The By-Laws govern the day-to-day activities of the village corporation. The authority for establishing by-laws is found in the Articles of Incorporation and in the Declaration of Restrictions. (Last revised 01/2009)

Image by Sear Greyson

Norwood Village Association thanks our sponsors.

Proceeds from these real estate professionals offset costs of social events and website hosting. Thank you!

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