Over the years, the members have decided at annual meetings to encourage neighbors to work together to improve views in the village by contributing a portion of the costs of removing trees and thinning or windowing when doing so opens views for neighboring properties and as funds permit.
As outlined in the By-Laws, interest will be added to outstanding assessment balances at the rate of 1% of the outstanding balance each month for assessments not paid by the due date in addition to direct costs to the village of collecting overdue.
To respect our members’ desire to avoid spam and to maintain the credibility of the email address, items sent to the village mailing address lists will be limited to official business of the village such as meeting notices and announcements of general interest, billings, safety/security announcements that could affect the members, and other items determined to be appropriate by the board.
We need your help to make sure we have the correct information needed to contact you. From time to time, we need to send important information to you like meeting notices, annual assessment notices, and other important information for members of Norwood Village.
As a homeowner in Norwood Village, you are also a member of the Norwood Village Corporation, our homeowners’ association. We hope that you will join us at our annual meetings in January of each year where we have a potluck meal, an opportunity to socialize, and then elect members of the board of trustees and approve annual budgets and assessments
This document is filed with the Office of the Washington State Secretary of State. It is the legal basis for the existence of the Norwood Village Corporation. Though it is a very important document legally, it has relatively little day-to-day importance for most village residents. The By-Laws and the Declaration have much more practical significance for most residents. (Last revised 01/1990)